Cube World Returns After Seven Years Along With Funck

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What’s Cube World?

Cube World! This indie gem is soon to get an official release! Cube World was originally released back in 2013 as an Early Access title by Wolfram von Funck. A name to end all names, to be sure. Is Cube World a game to end all games, though? The Indie title is a voxel-based RPG. For those unfamiliar with the term, think Minecraft. Cube World is designed entirely out of blocks, or rather cubes. A game stuck in development for seven years must surely age like a fine wine. Let’s discuss what Minecraft’s rival is like now that the consumers have an official release date.


Cube World is an RPG. From that, we already know that there’s a little bit of control involved over your character. You start out as one of four classes: Warrior, Mage, Ranger, and Rogue. That means that there’s going to be some fighting involved without repetitive, lackluster animations found in other voxel-based games. From the announcement trailer on YouTube and the game page on Steam, it’s safe to say that this indie title is going to be a breath of fresh air compared to other similar games.

cube world

Fighting not your forte? No problem! You can also explore. Go on a procedurally generated adventure through Cube World. You can never predict where a playthrough might take you. Distant islands, forgotten crypts, and imposing mountains await some brave explorer to find them. After all, you’re probably the only human contact they have. While you frolic through the woods, you may just come upon an NPC or two. No RPG would be complete without hapless common people begging for your help, right?

With pre-existing quests and a procedurally generated world, you might just stumble upon a lucky key or necklace. These trinkets might appear useless in the moment, but you may have accidentally completed a mission for an NPC somewhere in the world. This was revolutionary six years ago, but it is still impressive today.

If you’re afraid of adventuring to the dark corners of the world or you doubt your odds of survival on a long expedition, then there’s a solution for that too. Cube World lets you tame animals to take along with you. Whether you use a great bird for soaring through the skies or you pick up a random critter to use as cannon fodder in that dungeon you hate, you can have it your way. The animals you encounter serve a variety of uses, but there’s one feature left unmentioned. The most important feature you could possibly have: the ability to pet the dogs.

Cube World Conclusion

Crafting weapons and other items, exploring a unique and variable world, fighting hordes of monsters, or petting all the dogs. Cube World lives up to its name because there truly is a world of things to do. Funck poured seven years of his life into this game, so there’s no way he would release it unless he had a funky Funck project.

Look for Cube World on Steam, coming to the public on September 30th, 2019.


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